Know what the best part about leaving a blog for nearly a year? Coming back to it and realizing how hilarious you are.
Here's how things stand right now:
Matt and I will have been married for 5 years on January 26th
Don't tell Matt, I totally just wrote the wrong date at first.
Misses' 2nd birthday is in 6 days.
Mister will be 4 in March.
I got me a new job in October 2012, I work at the MSP International Airport.
Here's the reason I'm busting out the ol' blog. I need some accountability. I need someone to tell me what I'm doing right and wrong. I need to get fit. When people say, "Oh you can be fit AND fat". Not this girl. She no fit.
Yes, I'd like to drop some serious poundage, but really, I want to be fit. I want to be able to go up a flight of stairs at work and hope and pray to God that none of my co-workers are at the top listening to me huff and puff at the top. I don't want to hurt when I get up in the morning or get home from work. I work a desk job. There's no reason for my legs/feet to hurt at the end of the day. Seriously.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Step 1: Create a Hypothesis...
Welcome back to 8th grade science class. We're hitting up the Scientific Method!
I'm one that likes to test out things to see the validity of the claims. I can't watch late-night television or infomercials without having a strong urge to run to the phone/internet to order the latest and greatest to see if it really works. I will not tell you how many products have come in (and promptly left) this home that bears the "As Seen On TV" label. On my online baby community, one poster had listed a breastmilk increasing cocktail that I just HAD to try!
Step 1: Create the hypothesis. This cocktail will increase breastmilk anywhere from 20 mins - overnight from consumption.
Step 2: Make predictions about the hypothesis. I hypothesize that this will be a giant load of BS.
Step 3: Carry out the experiment.
The 4 ingredients for this concoction are: 1 cup Milk, 1/2 cup Sweetened Condescend Milk, 1 avocado and ice. Mix all in a blender until smooth. Drink half of the drink and save second half for the next day. Wait for engorgement.
Step 4: Evaluation.
Ummmm...I found that I really don't like avocados. And like them even less when mixed with milk. I couldn't finish the drink. I tried putting it in the freezer to make it more like an icee to dull down the taste, but no go. Early the next morning, I was violently sick. I'll spare the details, but the avocado made my St. Patrick's Day a little greener....and my bathroom. Although the two may not have been related, I will NOT be redoing this experiment.
Step 5: Retest.
Oh hell no.
I have exactly 2 weeks before I'm going back to work. I don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I'm excited to be bringing in some money, but I've really enjoyed being at home with the girl. I enjoy it a lot more than when I was home with Marcus. I feel guilty about that, but I don't have control over my hormones, as AWESOME as that would be. She is a pretty good baby, although she's already sleeping and eating better at my MIL's house than my own. I'm thinking of creating a white noise sound entitled "Insane 2-4 year old boys" because that is what this girl falls fast asleep to. I've never seen someone knock out so quickly in amidst screaming from emotional toddlers, choo-choos being thrown everywhere, telephone ringing, etc.
Speaking of insane children, Mister is cutting his 2 year molars. It has been an interesting time of our life. He's emotional, snot-nosed, and not sleeping well. Thank goodness for the Dad not working right now, otherwise I'd be tearing my hair out. Last night was the first night in nearly 2 weeks that he's slept through the night in his toddler bed. We've been resorting to putting him back in the crib after the 12th time our bedroom door comes flailing open. Unfortunately, the way his door frame is, a gate would be ineffective. However, he is doing some adorable things, that of course, I can't get on camera. He's smiling on command, saying "Zeus, come!...Shush!...Go Away!". No wonder the poor dog is confused.
And like all newborns, the Misses picked now to wake up from her cat nap. Hoping for sleep and a better feeling body tomorrow. Ciao.
I'm one that likes to test out things to see the validity of the claims. I can't watch late-night television or infomercials without having a strong urge to run to the phone/internet to order the latest and greatest to see if it really works. I will not tell you how many products have come in (and promptly left) this home that bears the "As Seen On TV" label. On my online baby community, one poster had listed a breastmilk increasing cocktail that I just HAD to try!
Step 1: Create the hypothesis. This cocktail will increase breastmilk anywhere from 20 mins - overnight from consumption.
Step 2: Make predictions about the hypothesis. I hypothesize that this will be a giant load of BS.
Step 3: Carry out the experiment.
The 4 ingredients for this concoction are: 1 cup Milk, 1/2 cup Sweetened Condescend Milk, 1 avocado and ice. Mix all in a blender until smooth. Drink half of the drink and save second half for the next day. Wait for engorgement.
Step 4: Evaluation.
Ummmm...I found that I really don't like avocados. And like them even less when mixed with milk. I couldn't finish the drink. I tried putting it in the freezer to make it more like an icee to dull down the taste, but no go. Early the next morning, I was violently sick. I'll spare the details, but the avocado made my St. Patrick's Day a little greener....and my bathroom. Although the two may not have been related, I will NOT be redoing this experiment.
Step 5: Retest.
Oh hell no.
I have exactly 2 weeks before I'm going back to work. I don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I'm excited to be bringing in some money, but I've really enjoyed being at home with the girl. I enjoy it a lot more than when I was home with Marcus. I feel guilty about that, but I don't have control over my hormones, as AWESOME as that would be. She is a pretty good baby, although she's already sleeping and eating better at my MIL's house than my own. I'm thinking of creating a white noise sound entitled "Insane 2-4 year old boys" because that is what this girl falls fast asleep to. I've never seen someone knock out so quickly in amidst screaming from emotional toddlers, choo-choos being thrown everywhere, telephone ringing, etc.
Speaking of insane children, Mister is cutting his 2 year molars. It has been an interesting time of our life. He's emotional, snot-nosed, and not sleeping well. Thank goodness for the Dad not working right now, otherwise I'd be tearing my hair out. Last night was the first night in nearly 2 weeks that he's slept through the night in his toddler bed. We've been resorting to putting him back in the crib after the 12th time our bedroom door comes flailing open. Unfortunately, the way his door frame is, a gate would be ineffective. However, he is doing some adorable things, that of course, I can't get on camera. He's smiling on command, saying "Zeus, come!...Shush!...Go Away!". No wonder the poor dog is confused.
And like all newborns, the Misses picked now to wake up from her cat nap. Hoping for sleep and a better feeling body tomorrow. Ciao.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Don't you judge me
I haven't posted in 4 months. I'm so not good at these things.
One of my good friends had this as her Facebook Status "Never judge parents with older kids than yours". I agree - to a point. I do not agree with the whole "Don't judge people" or "Don't judge a book by it's cover". You absolutely should judge people. It doesn't make you a bad person - it is vital to keep you safe.
If a man came to my door, saying that he'll babysit my children for free...should I not judge him? Should I allow him into my home and let him watch my kids just so I am not judging him? Hells to the No. Sometimes it is important to judge other people. You may more some incorrect assumptions sometimes, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. By not juding people, you may be running yourself an even higher risk.
I judge prospective employees. I judge the person who turns their children forward-facing before it is legal. I judge people who go out every weekend and leave their children with babysitters. (This is not aimed at the person who goes out occasionally or has date nights, etc) I judge my mother who lets people at work walk all over her. I'm not ashamed to say that I have probably made swift judgements about every person I've met. Many of those judgements have been incorrect and upon getting to know others, I've retracted my judgements.
Speaking of judges - it's amazing how many Judge shows there are during daytime television. Every hour you can find some judge - Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Judge Pierro. I do not understand them. I'm all for the court system if it is needed, but my God. I saw a preview for one today where the girl was bringing someone to court because he had pulled her out of her car and started beating her up. Seriously? Does this guy honestly think that the woman judge is going to side with him on this one? Settle out of court my man.
Anyway - Don't be ashamed to judge others, just don't allow those judgements to interfere with being a good person.
One of my good friends had this as her Facebook Status "Never judge parents with older kids than yours". I agree - to a point. I do not agree with the whole "Don't judge people" or "Don't judge a book by it's cover". You absolutely should judge people. It doesn't make you a bad person - it is vital to keep you safe.
If a man came to my door, saying that he'll babysit my children for free...should I not judge him? Should I allow him into my home and let him watch my kids just so I am not judging him? Hells to the No. Sometimes it is important to judge other people. You may more some incorrect assumptions sometimes, but that's a risk I'm willing to take. By not juding people, you may be running yourself an even higher risk.
I judge prospective employees. I judge the person who turns their children forward-facing before it is legal. I judge people who go out every weekend and leave their children with babysitters. (This is not aimed at the person who goes out occasionally or has date nights, etc) I judge my mother who lets people at work walk all over her. I'm not ashamed to say that I have probably made swift judgements about every person I've met. Many of those judgements have been incorrect and upon getting to know others, I've retracted my judgements.
Speaking of judges - it's amazing how many Judge shows there are during daytime television. Every hour you can find some judge - Judge Judy, Judge Alex, Judge Pierro. I do not understand them. I'm all for the court system if it is needed, but my God. I saw a preview for one today where the girl was bringing someone to court because he had pulled her out of her car and started beating her up. Seriously? Does this guy honestly think that the woman judge is going to side with him on this one? Settle out of court my man.
Anyway - Don't be ashamed to judge others, just don't allow those judgements to interfere with being a good person.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Fun with Numbers
Seven - This is the number of times that I have bitten the SAME spot on the inside of my lip in the past 3 days. Perhaps my teeth forgot that my lip is exempt from the chewing process.
Seventeen - The number of 5 year olds I could take in a fight. I'd have to start using them as shields and weapons.
Eighteen - The number of weeks I have left until my due date. I can't believe that this number is in the "teens" now. It seriously seems like just like last week that I found out were were expecting again.
Fifteen - The number of unread emails I have. This number is only expected to increase.
Four - The number of half drank bottles of juice/pop that is sitting on my desk. This number has remained as "four" for about the same amount of weeks.
Two - The number of days to The Office premiere. I seriously love this show and am really sad that it is Steve Carrell's last season.
Two-hundred twenty-five - The number of Facebook friends. I know all of them, but a good chunk of them - I've never met in person. A lot of them are BabyCenter friends.
Sixty-four minutes - The amount of time it took for me, Marcus and my parents to walk a 5K last Saturday.
Sixty-four minutes - The approximate time it took me to get out of bed following said 5K.
Zero - The number of friends my little brother had this weekend. His 22nd birthday was on Thursday, and everyone bailed on him on his birthday. At least his sister called him.
Nine - The number of hours of sleep I would like to get tonight. Hopefully, getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night will be significantly lower than this number.
~Twenty-five - The number of times I have watched this video.
Seventeen - The number of 5 year olds I could take in a fight. I'd have to start using them as shields and weapons.
Eighteen - The number of weeks I have left until my due date. I can't believe that this number is in the "teens" now. It seriously seems like just like last week that I found out were were expecting again.
Fifteen - The number of unread emails I have. This number is only expected to increase.
Four - The number of half drank bottles of juice/pop that is sitting on my desk. This number has remained as "four" for about the same amount of weeks.
Two - The number of days to The Office premiere. I seriously love this show and am really sad that it is Steve Carrell's last season.
Two-hundred twenty-five - The number of Facebook friends. I know all of them, but a good chunk of them - I've never met in person. A lot of them are BabyCenter friends.
Sixty-four minutes - The amount of time it took for me, Marcus and my parents to walk a 5K last Saturday.
Sixty-four minutes - The approximate time it took me to get out of bed following said 5K.
Zero - The number of friends my little brother had this weekend. His 22nd birthday was on Thursday, and everyone bailed on him on his birthday. At least his sister called him.
Nine - The number of hours of sleep I would like to get tonight. Hopefully, getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night will be significantly lower than this number.
~Twenty-five - The number of times I have watched this video.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Viva Las Vegas!!!
Well, I'm back from Vegas. You'd think that I was there for 3 weeks for the lapse in blogs posts, but really, I just had nothing to talk about. I'm not one of those people that calls someone "just to talk" unless I have something important to say. Well, I finally have something important to say.
I had a Girls Weekend in Vegas last weekend. It was my first time away from Mister and Matt for that long. Actually, I don't think I've been away from Matt for that long ever, and the longest I have been away from the boy was 2 nights. I didn't think I would miss them as much as I did. Matt would call nearly every night to let Mister say good night to me before he went to bed. He would get on the phone and say, "Haaaaaaiiiiiieeeeee". It made me tear up every time.
We stayed in the ever classy establishment, Circus Circus. It was pretty 1970's fabulous. Actually, it wasn't all that bad. The beds were very uncomfortable, but when you're out until 3:00 AM, really, anything will do. I didn't get to do all of the things I'd like to, but again, when you don't get up until 10:00 AM, and then spend 2 hours at the pool, you sort of run out of time quickly.
We did manage to see Madame Tussauds wax museum, the Thunda from Down Under, Excalibur Casino/Hotel, Luxor, The Pirates and Whores show at Treasure Island, O'Sheas and their "Dolla Dolla Drinks", and we got heat exhaustion while walking to Cozymel's. All in all, a great trip.
Oh, you wanted to see some pictures? Of course.
O'Sheas Casino. The concierge said we did NOT want to go here because it was lame. We beg to differ.
Why, hello Mr. President....
A gorgeous palm tree outside of The Flamingo
Now, you may not think this picture is much, but this picture immediately preceded my Vegas injury. I twisted my ankle wicked bad trying to dash across the street to avoid oncoming traffic after taking this picture. So not worth it.
There were a lot of memories made on this trip. Several phrases that will be used as blackmail, "I like me some Smokey the Bear....RAWR!" and some that may just stay in our general conversation, "Don't you juuuudge me". I'm already looking to make this an annual event...however, ladies...more near the middle of the strip next time puh-leeze?!
And my fun thing for the day: I stole this from one of my BabyCenter boards. I LOL'd a lot:
Why My Toddler is Like My Drunk Friends
- They are so much fun, they are always dancing around, doing something crazy...
- The fall over and trip all the time, and they act like it's no big deal...
- They talk a ton but don't make much sense and you say "that's great honey" even though you don't have a clue what they are talking about.
- They can go from laughing to crying in under a second.
- They need your help putting them to bed...
- They will randomly give you hugs in the middle of a conversation and tell you they love you.
- If you take their drink away from them, they freak out...
- They will talk to anybody, doesn't matter if they've never met before.
- Your needs are completely none of their concern...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We all scream after Ice Cream...
Matt had a great idea the other night. Let's take a walk up to the Dairy Queen (probably about a mile or so) and have an after dinner treat. It was a warm evening, so it actually sounded like a great idea. We grabbed Mister and the stroller and headed out for our evening walk. The walk up was not enjoyable and I spent a considerable amount complaining as the entire walk is up hill.
Matt got a Peanut Buster Blizzard, I got a Strawberry Lemonade Chiller and Mister got a baby cone. He was adorable eating it. His first reaction was one of great disgust and confusion about this cold stuff, but once he got a taste of it, he couldn't get enough. And of course, he was nice enough to share.
Adorable right? I know. However, the night took a terrible turn when we got home. It was about 8:15 and it was time for Mister to go to bed. We followed the typical routine, washing the face and hands, tiny teeth brushing, a story and a sippy cup of water. Things were looking up - - until we got to the crib. Somewhere between story time and hitting the sheets, the ice cream was in full effect. He was running laps around his crib and grabbing the crib rail and jumping up and down. He even ended up launching himself across the crib because he bounced so hard! I sat in the rocking chair, waiting for the sugar rush to wear off, only to have him play peek-a-boo with me between the crib rails and then he'd throw his pacifief or stuffed animals at me when I wouldn't respond! It was so hard not to laugh at him! I tried leaving the room a couple of times which just created an uproar and filled the house with tiny screams! As soon as I'd come back into the room...all giggles and smiles. Bascially, his oh so sweet face from the picture above, was slowly turning into:

FINALLY, at 10:00, he crashed. And he must have crashed hard because he wasn't up until nearly 7:30 the next morning. Now, why can't he do that on the weekends?
Matt got a Peanut Buster Blizzard, I got a Strawberry Lemonade Chiller and Mister got a baby cone. He was adorable eating it. His first reaction was one of great disgust and confusion about this cold stuff, but once he got a taste of it, he couldn't get enough. And of course, he was nice enough to share.

I hope the red demon eyes are showing up here....
FINALLY, at 10:00, he crashed. And he must have crashed hard because he wasn't up until nearly 7:30 the next morning. Now, why can't he do that on the weekends?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sewing Project #1 - Fail
Well, I busted out the sewing machine. I couldn't decide between making a little quilt (either for Marcus or for my niece) and a cloth diaper. Mind you, I don't use cloth diapers, but I have really been considering it lately. Especially when I realize that I am out of diapers and either have to make an emergency run to the store leaving a bare bottomed child with his father - hoping he doesn't have to go while I'm gone - or scrounge the diaper bags and vehicles for a spare...and in the correct size.
I chose a cloth diaper. I used an old receiving blanket since we really didn't use any of them. It turned out...okay. It's too small for the boy and the stitching is terrible (still trying to figure out this machine) but it's something. At least I know I can follow a pattern. Here's the final speciman:
In case you were wondering, yes, I did use black thread. Thank you very much.
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