Well, I busted out the sewing machine. I couldn't decide between making a little quilt (either for Marcus or for my niece) and a cloth diaper. Mind you, I don't use cloth diapers, but I have really been considering it lately. Especially when I realize that I am out of diapers and either have to make an emergency run to the store leaving a bare bottomed child with his father - hoping he doesn't have to go while I'm gone - or scrounge the diaper bags and vehicles for a spare...and in the correct size.
I chose a cloth diaper. I used an old receiving blanket since we really didn't use any of them. It turned out...okay. It's too small for the boy and the stitching is terrible (still trying to figure out this machine) but it's something. At least I know I can follow a pattern. Here's the final speciman:
In case you were wondering, yes, I did use black thread. Thank you very much.
Well at least you can sew! I would love to learn so I wouldn't have to wait months for my mom to finish stuff for me! :)