May 11, 1985...1:56 AM...Thanks for making me born Mom!
I'm the first and only girl of my family. Here's a fun fact for you. When my Mom was pregnant with my older brother, my Dad wanted the name to be Thomas Dean. Mom said - no way. So, they named him Michael instead. So, when Mom was preggers next time around, she *knew* I was a girl. So she agreed that if it was a boy, it could be named Thomas Dean. Sneaky.
So, my 25th birthday was OK. Besides being cold and rainy, and my 4 hours spent in the car going to one of my sites for a visit, it was good. I got flowers sent to me by my parents...
Lillies - my favorite
I talked to Plain Old Gramma for about 45 minutes on my way home.
Oh, if she asks you, I was using my hands-free - really I was. *wink* When I got home, I was finally able to open my presents that Mom and Dad left for me on Sunday. It was a sewing kit and a sewing machine!!!! I am sooo excited! I told Mom maybe once that I wanted a sewing machine and she remembered!!!!
I'm not sure what my first project will be. I think something simple. I think I might cut up the receiving blankets that we didn't really use, because we found them useless, and make a little quilt. Even if it is a baby quilt for my niece, it will be a good start.
My other present, is that Matt has been taking care of Mister all night. Giving him a bath, feeding him, playing with him....everything except putting him to BED!!!!!! Hopefully tonight goes better than last night in the sleep department.