Monday, September 20, 2010
Fun with Numbers
Seventeen - The number of 5 year olds I could take in a fight. I'd have to start using them as shields and weapons.
Eighteen - The number of weeks I have left until my due date. I can't believe that this number is in the "teens" now. It seriously seems like just like last week that I found out were were expecting again.
Fifteen - The number of unread emails I have. This number is only expected to increase.
Four - The number of half drank bottles of juice/pop that is sitting on my desk. This number has remained as "four" for about the same amount of weeks.
Two - The number of days to The Office premiere. I seriously love this show and am really sad that it is Steve Carrell's last season.
Two-hundred twenty-five - The number of Facebook friends. I know all of them, but a good chunk of them - I've never met in person. A lot of them are BabyCenter friends.
Sixty-four minutes - The amount of time it took for me, Marcus and my parents to walk a 5K last Saturday.
Sixty-four minutes - The approximate time it took me to get out of bed following said 5K.
Zero - The number of friends my little brother had this weekend. His 22nd birthday was on Thursday, and everyone bailed on him on his birthday. At least his sister called him.
Nine - The number of hours of sleep I would like to get tonight. Hopefully, getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night will be significantly lower than this number.
~Twenty-five - The number of times I have watched this video.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Viva Las Vegas!!!
- They are so much fun, they are always dancing around, doing something crazy...
- The fall over and trip all the time, and they act like it's no big deal...
- They talk a ton but don't make much sense and you say "that's great honey" even though you don't have a clue what they are talking about.
- They can go from laughing to crying in under a second.
- They need your help putting them to bed...
- They will randomly give you hugs in the middle of a conversation and tell you they love you.
- If you take their drink away from them, they freak out...
- They will talk to anybody, doesn't matter if they've never met before.
- Your needs are completely none of their concern...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
We all scream after Ice Cream...
Matt got a Peanut Buster Blizzard, I got a Strawberry Lemonade Chiller and Mister got a baby cone. He was adorable eating it. His first reaction was one of great disgust and confusion about this cold stuff, but once he got a taste of it, he couldn't get enough. And of course, he was nice enough to share.

FINALLY, at 10:00, he crashed. And he must have crashed hard because he wasn't up until nearly 7:30 the next morning. Now, why can't he do that on the weekends?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sewing Project #1 - Fail
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!!!
I'm the first and only girl of my family. Here's a fun fact for you. When my Mom was pregnant with my older brother, my Dad wanted the name to be Thomas Dean. Mom said - no way. So, they named him Michael instead. So, when Mom was preggers next time around, she *knew* I was a girl. So she agreed that if it was a boy, it could be named Thomas Dean. Sneaky.
So, my 25th birthday was OK. Besides being cold and rainy, and my 4 hours spent in the car going to one of my sites for a visit, it was good. I got flowers sent to me by my parents...
I'm not sure what my first project will be. I think something simple. I think I might cut up the receiving blankets that we didn't really use, because we found them useless, and make a little quilt. Even if it is a baby quilt for my niece, it will be a good start.
My other present, is that Matt has been taking care of Mister all night. Giving him a bath, feeding him, playing with him....everything except putting him to BED!!!!!! Hopefully tonight goes better than last night in the sleep department.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Temper, Temper....
Have you seen this video?
Mister has been doing this. He'll throw himself at your feet and if you just step over him, he'll come and find you and throw himself back at your feet. It's kind of hard not to laugh at him while he does it, but it really is hilarious. Plus, he's started putting his hands over his eyes when you tell him not to do something. Because, if you don't have a 14 month old - you might not know this, when they cover their eyes...they are invisible. You can't see them and you can't possibly know that they are going to continue doing whatever it is they are doing once they open their eyes.
And to top off the night of anger, here is a gem of Mister this week. He was notably upset that I wouldn't let him pound on my keyboard. Hey kid - this keyboard was expensive and I just got done writing a response on BabyCenter and I'm not about you to have at it. Cry all you want....and he did.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Sorry - The Poison Bubbles Were On Sale...
No Matt, the store was fresh out of safe bubble bath for babies, and the poison bubbles were on sale, sooo....
Speaking of fun things I've bought recently (oh we weren't? well we are now)... I got my first baby carrier. I bought a Mei Tei and I am super excited. I've always wanted to be a babywearer, but I couldn't find a carrier that I liked and since Matt has still been off of work, we've been a little strapped for cash. I missed the great sale on the Ergo on Babysteals, but I got the Mei Tei for a pretty reasonable price! I threw Mister in it and he didn't quite know what to think of it. I don't think he really knew what the heck I was putting him in.
I'm VERY excited to use it when I go garage saleing next weekend with a gal I met on BabyCenter. (Visit her blog: I will be really excited not to have to drag around that huge stroller. It's nice for long trips and for carrying stuff, but when you're in and out of the car driving around the 'burbs, it sucks.
And just for fun - 15 kids toys that unintentionally perverted:
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Congrats Nica & Bill!
He was much more interested in the rocks than socializing at this point.
And true to form, my camera ran out of battery after I took 2 pictures at the reception and I didn't pack any extras. Fail. So, I got one dark picture of the Best Man speech and one blurry picture of, well, I'm not really sure. Mister was exhausted by the time dinner was done, so we had one dance and we were outta there. I had hoped that Mister would be more awake because he is so funny when he dances. Oh well, there is always next time.
I have a very emotional bebe today. He is getting sick so EVERYTHING is the end of the world. He tried to eat a ball of dust this morning, and when I took it away, he threw himself to the ground and cried. And to retaliate for me taking his dust ball, he grabbed my camera from the computer desk and threw it to the ground. Oh boy - this shall be a fun day.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Welcome to the Adventure
Here's our Family:
Me - Mama
Dad - Matt
Baby - Mister
Dog - Zeus, or frequently known as "Dammit Dog!"
Matt works in the construction field so he's off of work right now, so that Xbox has been getting a good workout...I can't say the same for Matt. I work in the staffing industry, so I'm that person you call when you're looking for a job and I roll my eyes when you tell me that you're a great candidate and you'll never miss work and you will work anywhere. Believe me, I've heard that before.
Mister is almost 14 months old. He's walking, kind of talking and already getting a little attitude on him. It's OK because he does the cutest things and I forget all about the attitude.
The dog, a cocker spaniel that is nearly 4 years old. I feel bad because the dog has been ignored a lot since Mister. He's always underfoot, knocks Mister over, lays RIGHT when I want to change Mister - usually right as I'm starting to lay him down...but, he's great with Mister. Zeus gets poked in the eyes, fur pulled, ears yanked and chased all over the house, and has yet to snip at him or so much as growl. We got pretty lucky in that sense.
If you're wondering about the Title of this blog: Seeger Family Robinson. A name dubbed by my girlfriends. They have a great way of coming up with nicknames. I think it's an appropriate name, seeing the amount of adventures we have, both as a family and as individuals. I hope you enjoy the ride.