Welcome back to 8th grade science class. We're hitting up the Scientific Method!
I'm one that likes to test out things to see the validity of the claims. I can't watch late-night television or infomercials without having a strong urge to run to the phone/internet to order the latest and greatest to see if it really works. I will not tell you how many products have come in (and promptly left) this home that bears the "As Seen On TV" label. On my online baby community, one poster had listed a breastmilk increasing cocktail that I just HAD to try!
Step 1: Create the hypothesis. This cocktail will increase breastmilk anywhere from 20 mins - overnight from consumption.
Step 2: Make predictions about the hypothesis. I hypothesize that this will be a giant load of BS.
Step 3: Carry out the experiment.
The 4 ingredients for this concoction are: 1 cup Milk, 1/2 cup Sweetened Condescend Milk, 1 avocado and ice. Mix all in a blender until smooth. Drink half of the drink and save second half for the next day. Wait for engorgement.
Step 4: Evaluation.
Ummmm...I found that I really don't like avocados. And like them even less when mixed with milk. I couldn't finish the drink. I tried putting it in the freezer to make it more like an icee to dull down the taste, but no go. Early the next morning, I was violently sick. I'll spare the details, but the avocado made my St. Patrick's Day a little greener....and my bathroom. Although the two may not have been related, I will NOT be redoing this experiment.
Step 5: Retest.
Oh hell no.
I have exactly 2 weeks before I'm going back to work. I don't quite know how I feel about it yet. I'm excited to be bringing in some money, but I've really enjoyed being at home with the girl. I enjoy it a lot more than when I was home with Marcus. I feel guilty about that, but I don't have control over my hormones, as AWESOME as that would be. She is a pretty good baby, although she's already sleeping and eating better at my MIL's house than my own. I'm thinking of creating a white noise sound entitled "Insane 2-4 year old boys" because that is what this girl falls fast asleep to. I've never seen someone knock out so quickly in amidst screaming from emotional toddlers, choo-choos being thrown everywhere, telephone ringing, etc.
Speaking of insane children, Mister is cutting his 2 year molars. It has been an interesting time of our life. He's emotional, snot-nosed, and not sleeping well. Thank goodness for the Dad not working right now, otherwise I'd be tearing my hair out. Last night was the first night in nearly 2 weeks that he's slept through the night in his toddler bed. We've been resorting to putting him back in the crib after the 12th time our bedroom door comes flailing open. Unfortunately, the way his door frame is, a gate would be ineffective. However, he is doing some adorable things, that of course, I can't get on camera. He's smiling on command, saying "Zeus, come!...Shush!...Go Away!". No wonder the poor dog is confused.
And like all newborns, the Misses picked now to wake up from her cat nap. Hoping for sleep and a better feeling body tomorrow. Ciao.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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